I totally outdid myself last Friday discovering too many new things around downtown Winnipeg.
In no particular order, I recommend checking out the following:
* A new 'mural' behind the City Hall, just across from Chinatown - the floor is painted vibrant hues of pink, red and purple. Too pretty not to share!
* The Coal and Canary pop up shop at 73 Princess Street - my favourite local candle company has a storefront and it's everything I imagined it to be: pretty, pink and fabulous!
* Mur Lifestyle Studio at 70 Arthur Street - not a new spot but this well curated lifestyle store has a whole bunch of new home goods that I'm adding to my wish list. 
* Pop Cart has an UBE Bubble Tea popsicle - if you know ube, need I say more?
* Locally grown flowers from Prairie Blossom - I had to stop over these bouquets while at Alleyways Market. To know that they were grown locally made me even more in awe. 
* Cordova Tapas & Wine - a new spot for drinks, imported cheese, tapas and good times. I totally recommend their cheese platters.
* All the happenings at The Forks for the Canada Summer Games 2017 - As this year's host to the festivities, this place has been packed with tons of outdoor activities including markets, art installations and free concerts.


  1. Amazingly captured the happenings around downtown Winnipeg. I hope I can do the same in my town too. ^_^

    (◕‿◕✿) EmoteraGoddess.com | Instagram | Bloglovin

  2. I love how the color of your dress complemented the flowers!


  3. Great photos! You look happy and beautiful! :)
    Please check out my blog too. That are absolutely stunning photos!


  4. Thank you for your recommendations of these places. Great share!

  5. Never knew this is how beautiful Winnipeg is. Thank you for sharing those photos!

  6. Wonderful photos! I love how you took these pictures. Good luck on your journey dear.

  7. Amazing photos. The places and the foods looks great.

  8. The place looks more beautiful because of your lovely photos.

  9. 店經紀經驗。 和各店家保持良好互動關係。 旗下經紀人,必須不開桌消費、不賭博、不碰危禁品。 24小時輪班待命,酒店經紀人需要隨時處理各式突發狀況和酒店取名臨場反映。網路世代,起碼要有像樣的官方網站,並非只有免費的部落格與臉書。經紀公司能幫妳處理的事情包括:挑選適合的店家類型(禮服店、制服店、便服店、鋼琴酒吧..等)洽談適當的上班時段(一天工作幾小時?一個禮拜工作幾天?午場或晚場?) 上班時所需造型包裝(衣服?髮型?化妝?) 薪資需求及後續相關(薪資怎麼算?多少?多久領?怎麼領?如何調薪?)上班後相關問題處理(排假?下檔?請病假?扣薪?)其他突發狀況(臨時休檔?無法參加開會?不習慣想換店?)重點是妳的經紀公司會不會幫妳爭取福利?!能否幫妳找到好的店家?!能不能解決問題?!酒店本是灰色地帶,來這裡討酒店試做生活的人,都只有一個目標,就是解決經濟壓力或過更好的生活。16.這樣的經紀公司要注意!若有以下情況,是必須考慮換經紀人,因為已經不適任,千萬別委屈自己!和經紀人有不正常的財務牽扯。常找不到人,電話也不接 。只有領錢才出現,其他時間常搞失蹤。大小事情都自行處理,經紀人老是後知後覺,好像事不關己!節數錢有誤,常不清不楚,發薪日總比別人慢!不管男或女經紀人,常和自家姐妹搞曖昧,只會對特定人好,俗稱「老"X"經紀」!於姐妹上班時間,常在外飲酒作樂,不管姐妹工作狀況。好賭成性、負債累累!或開口向姐妹借調錢,這都是「跑路」的前兆!只會當店家的傳聲筒,只替店家講話,不會需求告訴酒店經紀人,讓經紀人依照妳的條件來建議何種店家。酒店的種類很多,如酒店公主便服店、制服店、禮服店等,每家店所需要的公關條件也不同。當我們不是條件特別突出時,就認清現實面去調整為最佳狀態吧!勤能補拙,天道酬勤,天底下的道理不過如此。每個想努力生活的女孩,沒有懶的權利。【選店/換店】這件事,只有自己最清楚,像是補強
